Canada: The Foundations Of Its Future
Given 2017 is Canada’s 150th anniversary, I think every Canadian should read a book about Canada – past, present or future. This idea occurred to me when I recently found the book “Canada: The Foundations Of Its Future” in a Montreal thrift store.
Inside back cover artwork
True confession
I admit I was originally attracted to the book by its lovely coloured reproduction of historical paintings of Canada. Then I became more intrigued when I noticed the author was none other than Stephen Leacock. I had always thought of him as humourist, never as a historian.
Upon closer look, it turns out the book is “a private and limited edition” copy published by The House of Seagram in MCMXLI (yes, they used Roman numerals in the old days).
Ironically, the 1941 publishing date is almost exactly in the middle of Canada’s history, i.e. 76 years from today and 74 years from Confederation.
Painting by Adam Sherriff Scott, A.R.C.A., Montreal, P.Q., 1941
painting by Frederick H. Varley, A.R.C.A., Vancouver, B.C. 1941
painting by Hal Ross Perrigard, A.R.C.A., Montreal, P.Q., 1941
Better Perspective
Written in a reader-friendly manner (not even once did I fall asleep), the book is a wealth of information. For this baby boomer, it brings back memories of what I learned (forgot) about Canadian history decades ago in history classes at school. It was so much different reading Leacock’s stories now having since visited every province in Canada and one territory, as well as internationally. Consequently, a much broader perspective of Canada and the world, enables me to understand and appreciate the history of our country.
The older I get, the more interested I am in history. Funny how that is.
Charles W. Jefferys, R.C.A., Toronto, Ont., 1941
Lessons Learned
painting by Charles W Jefferys, R.C.A., Toronto., 1941
What is amazing is how relevant the book is to the plethora of issues facing Canada today – First Nations poverty, Arctic Sovereignty, Immigration Policy, Natural Resources, Climate Change, Religious Persecution, Economic Change, Booms & Busts and Technological Change.
It was interesting to re-read the history of arctic exploration, specifically the search for the Northwest Passage in the context of today’s climate change. A hundred years ago, the shrinking of the polar ice caps would have been good news. It also made me wonder about Canada’s claim to arctic sovereignty given we have so little settlement there.
I now have a much greater appreciation for the longstanding and entrenched French vs. English duality of Canada, which is still influences Canada politically, culturally and economically even today.
painting by Adam Sherriff Scott, A.R.C.A., Montreal, P.Q., 1941
Perhaps the biggest surprise was Leacock’s stories about the violence and injustices between the early settlers and First Nations. Having lived next to and worked on the Siksika Reserve near Gleichen Alberta in the early ‘80s, I now have a hands-on appreciation of both sides. Indeed, one of Canada biggest issues today has to be the well-being of our First Nations people. I wish I had answers!
I was also reminded of the everyday hardships faced by early Canadian settlers – a far cry from the comforts and conveniences of our everyday lives today. How easily we forget! We really should focus more on being grateful than griping.
Then there is a reminder of the important role immigrants (mostly poor) played in shaping the identity and development of Canada since Day One. Immigration issues are still top of mind today. In 1913, a whopping 400,870 new immigrants came to Canada, which then had population of 7.5 million. Leacock states, “There were more foreign-language newspapers in the Canadian West than anywhere else in the world. Immigrants were exchanging European poverty for a new chance…we have to remember that their energy and industry and their new patriotism towards their new home played a large part in the making of our Western Dominion.”
Perhaps the biggest enlightenment was how our attitude towards nature and the exploitation of natural resources has changed over the past 150 years. Leacock constantly references the importance of exploiting our natural resources as the key to Canada’s future. It is amazing how that attitude has changed.
It was interesting to also be reminded how Canada’s economy has evolved from one of fur trading, to fishing, to forestry and then mining. There was no mention of oil and gas.
Oh, how much the world has changed and yet how it is still the same.
painting by Hal Ross Perrigard, A.R.C.A., Montreal, P.Q., 1941
Samuel Bronfman’s Preface
“It is no magic fiat which achieves this: it is the people of Canada who have made and are making Canada. The coureur de bois; the merchant-adventurer; the explorer; the colonist; the homesteader; all who came early, wrestled with Nature; and won – these are the precursors who made our country.”
artwork by Ernest Neumann, Montreal, P.Q., 1941
“Certainly the future decades of this century, which in the words of the late Sir Wilfred Laurier “belong to Canada,” will see Canadians zealously dedicating themselves to the further development of the boundless resources of our country, and will see, too, those resources flowing to the farthest corner of the world – a Canadian contribution to the welfare of humanity.”
Nor can we leave unmentioned the part which Canada is playing and will continue to play as intermediary between the two greatest forces for good that exist in the world to-day. Because of our geographic location upon this continent, and our spiritual location with the Empire, we are destined – as we indeed, have already seized that destiny – to bring closer together the best of the Old World and New.
Leacock’s Libations
Canadians instinctively think more of what is still to come in their country than of what has happened in the past. People of older lands typically and commonly look back. They think of their thousands of years of history…majesty of the past.”
“The emigrant ship….was the world’s symbol of peace and progress…”
“Then came the discovery of gold and quickened the pace of life.”
“Life received a new wakefulness from the arc lamp and the electric light bulb…”
“Many came in caravans of prairie schooners – children, chattel and all.”
“Calgary was non-existent at Confederation. When the Canadian Pacific was built it was just a poor place, a few shacks. They moved it a mile or so, on ropes, rather than move the railway line.”
painting by T.M. Schintz, High River, Alta., 1941
painting by W.J.Phillips, R.C.A., Winnipeg, Man., 1941
Last Word
I leave this to Bronfman wrote in the preface, “To encompass them the vision of the early pioneers must still be with us still, for where there is no vision, the people perish. It is the vision of a free Canada, a united Canada, a mighty Dominion…are manifested the various groups of different origins and separate creeds, working together in harmonious unison, each making its own contribution to the complete achievement which is the Canadian mosaic.”
Does Canada have a vision today?
It would be an interesting 2017 project for the Globe & Mail, Postmedia or Maclean’s Magazine to ask our Prime Minister, Premiers and big city mayors to independently submit their vision for Canada’s future. It would be interesting to see how much they have in common?
Maybe we should also ask corporate CEOs too (perhaps one from each province and territory). Why stop there - lets ask social agency, cultural and postsecondary CEOs also.
I wonder, "Is it realistic in today’s world for any democracy to work in harmonious unison?”